Sunday, October 21, 2007

Beautiful morning

We woke up at the usual hour, the coffee and the paper filled in around the recorded Tivo from the past month. I used some left over Tomato and Mozzarella salad to make an omelet, aromatic and quite tasty. The sky is blue and the birds are trying to shriek the leaves off the trees.

Noisy little buggers. Cheerful, even so.

I am going to help the Olde Farts Club (Law Enforcement Assn.) set up for parking the world at the county fair.

The Love of My Life is running around the house naked, decorative that is! Actually she is going to shop for the grand daughter's birthday celebration, after she gets finished dressing.

I have to check screen sizes for wide screen TV, the local channels are going to HD format soon and ALL our current screens are regular digital signal.

All this is of course much ado about nothing.

Actually most of life fits that description, we get so wound up in it that the quiet Sunday mornings escape us, that is a real tragedy.

I need to monitor the wind and wave report, the fishing season is here and the Kings should be in. If I can get a fishing partner to go along, six large Kings would stock the freezer for the winter. Bottom fishing in cold water would supplement that nicely.

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