Tuesday, September 18, 2007

I'm off...

I'm always a little off, but I'm headed to the wilds of Pennsyltucky for three weeks or so to work an outage. That's what I do now. It's hard to leave the Love Of My Life at home, but we got to make the donuts.

If this turns out well, and that would be a pleasant change, she will give it up and go with me. On vacation permanently!

I don't know what facilities will be available to me, so blogging may be in fits and spurts till I get back.


charlotte g said...

As a former caseworker, I find my state and SS pension to come mighty close to what I was formerly making, and long since learned to live on.
I was pooped. Really didn't want more work, but you are right, contracting is absolutely profitable and interesting, to boot.
Please, please try not to use "liberal" as a synonym for "stupid". The words DO mean different things. I've dwelt among y'all long enough now to know that the rest of you would say I have some liberal tendencies, as a lot of you are old fossils. But I am pretty conservative by national standards, and I think pretty well, thenkew. The law doesn't make much sense to me anytime, so I figure if a judge rules on behalf of common sense, it's just some kind of anomaly.

Ron Simpson said...

my wife calls it "making cookie money" when she is talking to our kids.

LBJ said...

I sent an email to my friend that I told you about, but he's off for knee surgery so don't know if he'll get the message. .I did include your email though.

Hope the work is going well. . wish I was retired or part time. :-)

HollyB said...

Hope it's goin' well for you. You need to go read Flo's blog. BIG news up over there.

LBJ said...

I sent an email to my friend about that job thing you asked about. I haven't heard back. He was having back surgery to perhaps he's just out, but I did pass on your email addy. I usually hear from him more often than this so I think he's off for recovery and hasn't checked his work email.